English Home Learning

Good morning!

A quick reminder that you have lots of books and reading activities you can access on Bug Club.

The link is below:


Our school code is wcpy. If anyone is struggling to log in please email: caradoc@holytrinitycepa.co.uk

New spellings will be set under the spelling tab today.

Today our English work will be a reading comprehension. It is a non-fiction text called ‘All about Beaches’ and links to our new topic ‘Coastlines’.


Don’t worry if you can’t print this text, you could open it and read it on the screen and write the answers in full sentences in your workbook.

For those of you who have finished your Bubbles story, you could go back and try to make it even better!

Check the spellings carefully using your Common exception word list.

Check your punctuation. Does every sentence begin with a capital letter and end with either a full stop, question mark or explanation mark?

Are your descriptions interesting? Could you use ‘expanded noun phrases’ using two adjectives separated by a comma before the noun e.g.

The tiny, yellow shells glistened on the sand.