Monday 8th June – Stiperstones and Hawkstone Home Learning.

Morning Everyone – hope you have all head a lovely weekend.

What a great week of home learning we had last week. I will take a photograph of some of the lovely bubble art that Year 6 did last week today.

We also have some Bubble Maths Work following on from the fraction work last week. this work is not in your pack (Sorry – I only just found it as it links with all the work we have been doing.) Just complete all powerpoint questions by working through step by step. then complete Bubble bingo! We will do the remainder of this tomorrow. Lesson Plan Bubble Blast    Lesson Presentation Bubble Blast

English – today I would like you to continue your story. The next planning bubbles were: Where is your bubble going to take you? Your journey along the way? Describe your new setting. where are you? What can you see? Do you meet anyone?

Have a look at what activity you would like to choose and send it to me for Mrs Thomstone please.