Friday 12th June Home Learning

Good morning Lawley!

I hope you are all well. Here are our home learning activities for today.

Reading and phonics

Please complete your daily reading and a book review so I can see what you are enjoying about your book. Next, please take part in the Read Write Inc Set 3 Phonics Session on YouTube. After this please have a game of Buried Treasure on the Phonics Play website, revising all phase 5 sounds.

English Home Learning

Today in English we are going to complete our story writing. Yesterday you wrote the beginning and build up of your story, today you will write the middle and ending of your story.

To start with, please watch the Bubble video again, thinking about your own bubble adventure story.

Remember when writing a story we must include:

  • a beginning – who is your characters, where do they find the bubbles?
  • a build up – what happens when your character blows the bubbles, where do the bubbles take your character?
  • a middle – describe the bubble journey, how does the character feel, what do they see, use adjectives and your senses.
  • an ending – what happens at the end of the journey, how does your story end?

Today you are going to write the middle and ending to your story. This is not to be rushed, I want lots of details and information, adjectives, feelings, senses – there is a lot to include. Please, as always, remember to include:

  • capital letters
  •  full stops
  •  phonics
  •  finger spaces
  •  neat handwriting

Please use your plan from Wednesdat to help you build on your ideas, have fun and be imaginative – this is your own bubble adventure story!

Cheeky Challenge: Draw pictures to show what is happening in your bubble adventure story.

I have set an activity on Purple Mash based on Chapter 5 of Anna’s Sports Day.

Maths Home Learning

We are going to start today by watching and joining in with our Months of the Year song.  After this please write down each month in the correct order independently, remembering to use your phonics to help with your spellings.

Today it is maths challenge day.  Below are your challenges, have a go independently and try your best.  If you need to ask someone else in your house to help, go ahead, but work the answers out together, using all your maths skills.  Good luck!

Spellings Test and Handwriting Practise

Please ask someone in your household to read you your spellings so you can do your test.  Take your time, use your phonics and try your best.  Remember to let me know your result.  Good luck!

I would also like you to practise your handwriting.  Please see the templates below to support you with the correct formation.

ICT Home Learning

We are continuing with our coding work in ICT this week.  I would like you to log onto Purple Mash and complete the coding activity set as a 2do.  This week you are going to carry out coding to make the turtle move across the screen.  Remember there are video guides to help you at every stage.

Have a great day Lawley.  Enjoy your weekend, remembering to stay well and safe.