Maths Home Learning 8th June

Good morning!

Practise counting in 10s by joining in with this song:

Quick question: What are these used for?

They are called balance scales and are used to measure the mass of an object.

What is mass?

Mass refers to the weight of an object. It is measured in grams (g) and kilograms (kg).

Key ‘Mass’ vocabulary.

Look at the scales. The side with the green apple is lower, this means that the green apple weighs more than the red apple.

The egg is lighter than the cake and the cake is heavier than the egg.

The scales are balanced. This means that the apple and the pen weigh the same or equal.

Use the more than, less than and equals symbol to describe these scales. If you can’t print you could draw the scale and write the sentence underneath.

Complete these sentences using the correct language (words).

Reasoning Cheeky Challenge:

Use the stem sentence: I know that……….I know this because…….