Week one of the Blue Peter badge challenge – Green Badge

Green badge ‘ Show your saving the planet’.

Green badges are awarded for sending in letters, pictures and  things you make that are about or inspired by the environment, conservation or nature.


Here are a few ideas as to how you can achieve the Green Blue Peter Badge.

  1. Make a bird feeder,
  2. Create a garden box
  3. Plant some seeds
  4. Build a bug hotel
  5. Ocean crafts
  6. Endangered animal pictures
  7. Make a birds nest
  8. Create a poster linked to Chester Zoo and the impact of COVID 19
  9. Write a letter to David  Attenborough

To apply for a Green badge you must:

  • Be between 6 – 15 years old
  • Ask your parent or guardian for permission and ask them to read the Privacy Notice at the bottom of this page
  • Please tell us about what you have done to help the environment or send us something with an environmental theme to earn your Green badge. You could write us a letter to tell us about something you’ve done to help the environment, or a poem or story that has been inspired with a green twist. Perhaps you wish to create an artwork or model or idea for helping our planet, animals or nature.
  • Also include: your full name, your date of birth, your home postal address and postcode (not your school address) and that you are applying for a Green badge
  • Post it to Blue Peter with the correct stamp on it (you’ll need a ‘large letter’ stamp if sending an A4, or to pay for parcel postage if bigger than a letter)

Send your application letter and any other materials to the following address:

Blue Peter



M50 2BH

Alternatively, for a limited time, you can email your application and scanned documents to bluepeter@bbc.co.uk.

Need inspiration?

Why not check out the badge wall segment live on Blue Peter (Thursdays, 5:30pm on CBBC), catch up on BBC iPlayer OR visit the ‘Post of the Week’ page.

What happens when I’ve sent my application?

Thousands of children apply for badges each year and it can take up to 10 weeks for your badge to arrive, so please be patient! If you have any further questions, check out our badge Q&A pages.



Please note: Current UK government advice advises everyone to stay at home and so for the time being, you will not be able to visit Blue Peter Badge attractions.