Tuesday’s Home Learning


Hello Nursery children and families,


Today we are going to start the day by following the instructions and doing some actions like in the video:


Now we are going to pop the bubbles and count:





For today’s maths activity I would like your child to draw five different size bubbles and then cut them out. Once they have cut them out I would like them to order them in size smallest to biggest. Encourage them to use vocabulary small, smallest, smaller, biggest, bigger. There is a link below to an example work sheet which you can print out if you prefer.

Bubble size ordering





For today’s phonics activity your child will need to use a computer or iPad. Click on the link below which will take you to a game to help develop your child’s listening skills:   


Your child needs to click any of the yellow bubbles to hear a random sound. Some are real sounds and others are funny sound effects. Some start off quietly and gradually get louder, some are long and some are short so there are lots to talk about. Encourage your child to copy the sound. What do they think the sound is? Can they describe the sound?






Today I would like you to make sock bubble blowers. You need

  • a small plastic water bottle with the end cut off
  • a sock
  • an elastic band
  • bubble solution

First place the sock over the cut end of the bottle and secure it using an elastic band. Dip the sock end into bubble solution and blow through the drinking end. Bubbles should come out through the sock in a snake shape. Who can blow the longest snake? The shortest? Can your child describe what happens?

Have a lovely day everyone!