Wednesday Maths

            Watermelon Maths!         

Today I’d like you to draw some watermelon slices (about 8) for your child to use in their maths work. Please draw them on separate pieces of paper. They might look like this.

Give your child the watermelon slice pictures. Ask your child to write the number you tell them on a watermelon slice. Repeat until all the slices you have drawn have a number on them. The more confident your child is, the bigger the numbers you can ask them to write (no higher than 20 please).

Challenge your child to look at each number and draw the correct number of seeds onto the watermelon slice. They can then colour in the watermelon slices.


Ask your child to order the watermelon slices from the smallest number to the largest number. Can they choose 2 watermelon slices and add the seeds together to find the total number of seeds? Can they double the number of seeds found in a water melon slice? Perhaps ask them to say how many seeds there would be on a slice if they added 1 more seed or took 1 seed away.