Monday 15th June Home Learning

Good morning Lawley!

I hope you are all well and have had a good, safe weekend.  Here are our home learning activities for today.

Reading and Phonics

Please carry out your daily reading and complete a book review.  Next, please join in with the daily Read Write Inc Set 3 Phonics session on YouTube. 

I would then like you to have a game of Buried Treasure on the Phonics Play website, revising all set 2 sounds.

English Home Learning

This week we are going to be focussing on The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister.

To start with, I would like you to read this story if you have a copy, if not, please watch the story telling session below.

Today I would like you to think of adjectives to describe the appearance of the Rainbow Fish.  

Remember, adjectives are describing words.

Have a close look and list adjectives down either on the worksheet below or on your own piece of paper.

Rainbow Fish Adjectives

Now I would like you to use your adjectives to describe the Rainbow Fish in full sentences.  Remember to include:

  • capital letters
  • full stops
  • phonics
  • finger spaces
  • neat handwriting

Cheeky Challenge: Write a sentence to describe the ocean – the setting of the story.

I have set a new book on Purple Mash, it is called Little Red.  Your task today is to read Chapter 1 and complete the quiz.

Maths Home Learning

Please watch and join in with our days of the week song.  Then write each day down independently using your phonics.

Today we are going to be looking at arrays. To start with please watch the video on the White Rose Website.

Whilst working at home you can make arrays using a range of equipment, my favourite is using cherrios!

Arrays help us with multiplication, also known as our times table.

Please now complete our activities for today.

Cheeky Challenge: Have a go at making your own array and number sentence.

Topic Home Learning

Last week you completed research and designed a fact file on Hermit Crabs.  Today you are going to plan a house for a Hermit Crab.  To start with please watch the story telling session below:

I would like you to think about the home you would like to design for a Hermit Crab.  It needs to be suitable and practical, so you need to make sure it is:

  • waterproof for all weather
  • hard so it does not break
  • not too heavy to carry
  • strong so other animals can not break it

Your design can be colourful, bright and unique, use your imagination and make it fun.  Please draw your design then label the features so I can see what each part of the home is.

Cheeky Challenge: Why have you chosen this design?

Art Home Learning

In our Lawley Bubble at school this week we are looking at rainbows.  Today we are going to be painting rainbow pictures.  I would like you to do this too.  Please follow the video whilst completing your rainbow.  If you do not have paints you can use colouring pencils or crayons.

Have a great day Lawley, stay well and safe.