Home Learning – Friday 12th June

Good Morning!

I’m sorry that it’s such miserable weather outside! I hope you will still be able to go out and get some fresh air this weekend!


Today I would like you to have a go at some spellings. Have a look at the Reception and Year 1 common exception words. Choose a few that you think are appropriate for your child. Then get a big thick pen and draw a continuous, free, flowing, overlapping line. Use other colours to practise writing the words inside the shapes so that eventually you have something that looks a little bit like this:








Obviously don’t use these words – they’re a bit tricky!

Here are the Year 1 Common exception words:







Here are the Reception Tricky Words:






Maths: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zmdr92p


We are going to do something similar to yesterday but this time we are racing up a tree! You can use mine or just draw your own! Use the 1-3 dice again to take turns rolling. Each turn, you will be presented with an addition question. For example, if you are on 4 and you roll a 3, the addition question would be 4 + 3. Try and use the language of addition while you are playing!











Extra activity

Your extra activity today is to have a go at building another den or nest! Today is the perfect type for day to get all cosy and warm! Drag your duvets, pillows and blankets out and make yourself an animal den! I loved looking at your pictures last time!

Have a lovely day!