Lawley’s Home Learning

Well done and thank you to everyone who has sent work into me.  It really is great to see what you are doing at home and the fantastic effort you are putting into your work.  Here are a few of the photographs I have received this week.

It has been very different in school as well this week with the return of some of Lawley and Earls Hill into our new Lawley Bubble.  Well done to each and every one of you, you have all behaved and listened beautifully, and have managed with the changes very well.  Here are some of the activities we have been doing in our Lawley Bubble.


I would also like to say a huge well done and congratulations to Sienna and Amelia who are our first children in Lawley to achieve a gold certificate in Mathletics.  I am over the moon and am so proud of you both!