Monday’s Home Learning


Hello Nursery children and families,


I hope you have had a lovely weekend. Did you hear the thunder rumbling? How did you feel about the thunder?


Today we are going to start our topic ‘How high can I jump?’

This week the majority of the activities will be about jumping.



Today we are going to start by joining in with a ‘star jumps’ wake and shake:




Now I would like you and your child to listen to the story The Berenstain Bears Jump Rope Contest:

Ask your child who were the characters in the story, what were their names? Can they tell you what happened in the story? What happened at the end of the story? Which part of the story did they like best?




Encourage your child to find out how far they can jump. Have a starting line for them to jump from. Take turns and encourage other members of your family to take a turn in jumping. Use chalk to mark on the ground how far they can jump. Use a tape measure, string, blocks, shoes etc to measure how far each person has jumped. Encourage your child to write the names and how far each person jumped. Who has jumped the furthest? Encourage your child to use positional language and to compare the distances jumped.






The next activity is alphabet sound jump; you will need some chalk and an outdoor space, or pen and paper. You just need to write lowercase letters of the alphabet around the area. There are two ways to play this game;

The first is for your child to jump from letter to letter, noisily shouting out the sound (not the letter name) as as they land on it. For example if they jump on the S they shout “Sssss Ssssss Ssssss.” You can change the volume to add to the fun, so the next time they have to whisper, say it s-l-o-w-l-y, squeaky, scared etc.

The next way to play is more of a challenge, and very good fun for jumping too! Your child chooses a place to start and you call out a letter sound they have to jump on next. Give them time to look for it, check they are correct and jump! 

To extend further you can write words for child to ‘sound out’ and then say.


Have a lovely day everyone!