English Home Learning 15th June 2020

Exploring Poetry

There are many different types of poetry and in this lesson we’re going to listen to, read and write some of our own.

All poems are made up of words. Poems can tell a story or be about a thought or a feeling. They can be serious or silly, but they always have to use words.

Poems often have a rhythm, which is like a beat in music. The rhythm is quick or slow depending on the words the poet chooses.

Poems can use rhyme, which means that certain words have similar end sounds.

For example: ‘Break’ and ‘lake’ ; ‘cat’ and ‘mat’ ; ‘loud’ and ‘proud’ .

Poems can also use alliteration, which is when more than one word starts with the same first letter or sound.

For example: The slimy, sneaky snake slithered silently.

A snake and a cat
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