Home Learning – Tuesday 16th June

Good Morning!

Was there a huge storm where you live last night?! There was amazing thunder and lightening where I live! There were forks in the sky and all of our power went out! It was very exciting and a little bit scary!


This week we are going to be looking at instructions. We have done instructions before so we should be really good at them by now! Today’s activity is a really fun one! I would like you to follow my instructions to make your very own Woodland Crown!

Before you start, I would like you to find all the different features of a set of instructions. See if you can remember them first. If not here is a list to help you:

  • equipment
  • numbers
  • Bossy verbs

My instructions aren’t very specific. As you make the crown, think about what information I could include to make my instructions better. Could I include colours? Have I told you when to use the equipment? Have a good think about how to make the instructions amazing. Is there a way of making this actual crown even better? Could you add something? (We will be writing our own instructions and making even better crowns later in the week – so let the children tell you that this one isn’t very good!)

Adults: please take a photo of your child at each step. This will help as a prompt for when they write their own instructions. 




Year 1: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zqps2v4


Today I would like you to do some singing! You can use your fingers to help. I would like you to sing some songs that involve counting backwards! Here are some ideas:


Try and focus on the idea that each time you are taking one away! As a cheeky challenge, you can have a go at writing some of the number sentences! 

Hope you have an amazing day!