English Home Learning 19th June

Good morning!

I hope that you have been practising your spellings this week, why not test your knowledge on the Purple Mash spelling quiz. Don’t forget your dictated sentences.

To finish off our work on rain forests this week, I would like you to imagine that you go on a trip to a rain forest. Watch this video, you might like to make some notes about the sort of this you might see whilst you are there:



Now, I would like you to write a postcard to someone at home telling them all about your trip. Think about what you have done, what you have seen and what you have learnt.

Here is a postcard template for you to use:


Next, design a picture for the front of your postcard. You may want to look back at some of the images which have been put on our class page this week.

Finally, well done to Allison for her super rain forest poster!