Wednesday’s home learning


Hello Nursery children and families.


Today we are going to start by joining in a bouncy exercise song and video:


And a dancing days of the week song:






Today I would like you to play a game of shape hopscotch. This is a fun way to work on gross motor skills alongside colour and shape recognition. Cut out lots of shapes from coloured paper and place them onto the floor or ground outside. Ensure your child recognises the shapes. Choose a shape and ask them to jump to that shape; use a  colour if they are unsure of the shape name. Ask them to jump across the shapes only using the shape you have named. Alternatively give instructions as to which shape they should jump onto next.






Now I would like you to play a puddle jumping alphabet activity. This is a great way to move and learn letter sounds! 

You will need:

  • Blue paper
  • Scissors
  • Black marker
  • tape
  • Music

First cut the blue paper into puddle-like shapes. Now write a letter on each puddle and stick your puddles to the ground in a circle. To play the game you need to explain to your child that you are going to play music and they are going to jump from puddle to puddle until the music stops. When the music stops they stop too. When the music stops they need to identify the letter are on by saying the sound it makes. To extend this you can ask them to name some words that start with that sound.

Kids will have a blast jumping puddles while doing this alphabet activity!

If your child is unsure of letter sounds you can draw pictures of items which make a noise. For example draw a cow and if your child lands on that puddle they make the noise of a cow.



Here is an animal workout for you and your child to do:


Have a lovely day everyone!