Additional Activities – Owl Babies by Martin Waddell

Please watch this lovely animated version of this classic children’s story.

Monday – Draw a picture from the beginning, middle and end of the story. For example, when the owl babies first wake up in the nest, then when they all sit on the branch together and then finally when their owl mother returns. Think of and write a sentence or two to say what is happening in each picture.

Tuesday – Create some owl themed snacks. A healthy option could be this rice cake snack. Cover a rice cake with a spread your child enjoys. Use a dry cereal to create the feathers and apple slices for wings. Slice a banana to make the eyes and add a raisin or blueberry.

Alternatively bake some chocolate cupcakes (recipe below). Coat with icing and use chocolate buttons to create the feathers and eyes.


Chocolate Cup Cakes

110g caster sugar
2 large eggs
100g self raising flour
10g cocoa powder

1. Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4 and fill a 12 cupcake tray with cases.
2. Using an electric whisk beat 110g softened butter and 110g caster sugar together until pale and fluffy then whisk in 2 large eggs, one at a time, scraping down the sides of the bowl after each addition.
3. Add  100g self-raising flour and 10g of cocoa powder, whisk until just combined then spoon the mixture into the cupcake cases.
4. Bake for 15 mins until a skewer inserted into the middle of each cake comes out clean. Leave to cool completely on a wire rack before decorating.

Wednesday – The owls live in a forest where there are lots of leaves and twigs. Go on a walk to collect leaves and twigs. Thread leaves onto twigs. Increase the challenge for your child by asking them to thread a specific amount of leaves onto the twigs.

Thursday – Watch this clip which is all about owls. Can you create an owl fact file? Perhaps create an owl collage or painting to go with it.




Friday – Here is another owl themed story.

There are lots of other animals in the story. They all have one thing in common, they are nocturnal. Research nocturnal animals. What does nocturnal mean? Make a list of nocturnal animals – Where do they sleep in the day? What do they eat?