Daily Online Phonics Sessions

Reminder- There are scheduled daily phonics sessions lead by Read, Write, Inc. trainers available to watch on YouTube everyday.

The daily Set 1  lessons are for children in Nursery and Reception learning to read sounds and write letters and for children who are new to English.


The daily Set 2 lessons are for children in Reception that can read Set 1 Speed Sounds and for children in Year 1 and 2.

The daily set 3 lessons are for children in Year 1 and 2 that can read Set 2 Speed Sounds.

A new Speed Sounds lesson is available Monday to Friday. Children can also watch Set 1 Word Time with Gareth and Set 1 Spelling with Sara.

In Word Time lessons, children learn to read words containing sounds they have been taught. Each lesson is ten minutes long and available for 24 hours.

Don’t worry if you miss a lesson. Once the whole set has been shown, they will be replayed one lesson a day.

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The link to the Read, Write, Inc. YouTube channel is below:
