Home Learning – Wednesday 17th June

Hello! I hope you are all feeling bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning!


Today you are going to take the first step to creating your own exciting woodland crown. So I would like you to draw a picture of an amazing crown that you would like to make. Think about all of the things that you could stick on it to make it wonderful. They have to be things that you can find or create. Once you’ve drawn your picture you can label it to help you.

Then I would like you to write the first part of the instructions: equipment.

As you can see in the picture, you start with “You will need” and then you need to write a list of things that someone needs to have before they start making their crown. If your picture has special things in it like glitter that is a certain colour or leaves that are from a special tree, you need to write that on your list.

















Here are some pictures of crowns for inspiration.
















Year 1: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zd76wnb


Today you are going to look at taking away. You’re going to use the same language as we used last week: “first, then now”. 



 First there are 5 frogs. 








Then 1 hopped away. 








Now there are 4. 






When you’ve talked through the pictures above, have a go at these: First – then – now – stories

As always, you don’t have to draw out the whole sheet, just writing the number sentences is fine! 

Have an amazing day!