Thursday’s home learning


Hello Nursery children and families,


Today we are going to start the day by doing a wake and shake:


Now we are going to dance and count to 20:






Now ask your child  to draw or paint a river on a large sheet of paper. Encourage them to draw fish, trees, and other objects in and alongside their river. Now ask your child to draw large circles in the water (these are stepping stones) ask them to write numbers on the stepping stones. When they have done this ask your child to stand on a stepping stone; give them instructions to jump forward one stepping stone, backward two stepping stones for example. When they land on a new number ask them the number they have landed on. Take turns at them giving you instructions how to jump on the stepping stones. 





Now I would like you to do some bouncy blending. Lay out three hoops on the floor. Place a sound next to each hoop to make up a word. When your child jumps into each hoop they shout the sound out, when they jump out of the final hoop they blend the word aloud.





Now you can do some jumping jelly bean painting. You need to tape a piece of paper on to the bottom and the top of a plastic container which shuts tight.  Now ask your child to drop dots of paint randomly on the paper in both the bottom and the lid. Finally sprinkle some jelly beans or dried beans into the container and seal it shut with the lid. Now the fun starts! They need to get up and jump around while holding the container. You can make this silly by making up your own jumping song like “Jump, jump, jump-ing jelly beans” (to the tune of Shake Your Sillies Out). Or try jumping really fast and then really slow. Now ask them to take the lid off to see what has happened.



Have a lovely day everyone!