Maths Home Learning 19th June 2020

Maths Challenges

Challenge 1

Rani has 38p.

A person says that they has 10 pence more than Rani and 20 pence less than Eva.

How much money does Eva have?

Grey line

Challenge 2


Triangle multiplied by triangle equals 25.


Circle multiplied by circle equals 100.

Work out the value of

Triangle multiplied by circle.
Grey line

Challenge 3

A sequence is made up of three 2-digit numbers.

The sequence increases by eight each time. These are the digits that make up the three numbers.

Cards: 0, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5.

Work out the numbers in the sequence.

Grey line

Challenge 4

A square is divided into smaller squares.

The bottom right square is highlighted blue, and so are two other blues square that are half the size of the blue square.

What fraction of the square is shaded?

Visit the BBC Bitesize page and scroll down for the answers.