Exciting Lawley News!

Hello everyone!

I hope you are all well and safe, you are all being missed so much by myself and Mrs Morgan.

There are still so many of you that I am not hearing from. Please do just send me a message saying hello so I know you are okay.

I have some exciting news! Next week I am going to organise a zoom meeting for all of Lawley. This is where we can all connect on the internet and see each other. We can have a chat, a catch up and maybe I will even read a story.

I am planning on doing this on Tuesday at 9.30am. You can use a computer, laptop, tablet or phone as long as there is a camera on to see your smiling face!

The link to the meeting is:


Meeting ID: 944 4332 7488
Password: 4XxPfK

Please do join us, it would be great to have as many of Lawley as possible.

Please let me know if you will or will not be joining the zoom meeting.

Thank you, take care, and as always, if you need anything, please do let me know.

Mrs Thompstone 🙂