Tuesday 23rd June Home Learning


Good morning Nursery children and families.


To start today I would like you to join in some action songs:





For this activity you need tubes and balls or pom poms. Number the tubes with numbers appropriate to your child’s stage of development. Can they put the correct number of balls into the tubes?





For this activity you will need a beach ball (any large ball will work) or you can use a large box and a permanent marker.

  1. Blow up the beach ball.
  2. Write your comprehension questions (or in this case statements) with the permanent marker. For example:
  • In the beginning of the story…
  • At the end of the story…
  • My favourite part was…

     3. Read a story to your child. 

      4.  After you read a story, ask your child to throw the ball or box. Read the statement to them and wait for their answer. Continue until you have asked all the questions!

For this activity you need a ball and a piece of material or a blanket. Can you and your child make the ball roll around or bounce on the material without it falling off.