Wednesday 24th June Home Learning


Good morning Nursery children and families,


I hope you are enjoying the lovely sunshine.

Today we are going to start the day by singing some songs:







Gather as many balls together as you can. Talk to your child about the shape and sizes of the ball. Compare the sizes; ask the question which is bigger/the biggest? which is the smallest/smaller? Can your child order the balls smallest to biggest?

ball sizing sheet






outside learning

First make the targets. Choose either numbers for your child to match or, to extend the activity, numbers that are the total of a number sentence.

water balloon math targets
Fill the balloons with water. Carefully write either a number for your child to recognise and match, or the number sentence you want your child to solve that equal the numbers on the targets such as 3+4 or 5+1.

Next set up your targets.water balloon math activity for kidsGo! Shout out a number for your child to match or read the number sentence, find the answer on one of the targets and throw!







Listen  to the ‘Kicking a Ball’ story from Monday. Talk with your child about the activities in the story. Ask them ‘Do you like to kick a ball?’ and ‘What else can you do with a ball?’ Give your a range of balls and ask them to find different ways to use them. How about throwing, catching, rolling, bouncing and dribbling? Which one can they do best?

Extend the activity by letting your child score a goal in a net, throw balls into buckets, roll a ball to knock down skittles and dribble around cones.


Have a lovely day in the sunshine everyone!