Thursday 25th June Home Learning


Good morning Nursery children and families,







Counting Croquet – Indoor or outdoor
You will need: strips of card or paper, markers, tape, ball, something to hit the ball with (child’s golf club, croquet mallet, or golf club), cardboard tubes, boxes, etc.
What to do: Write numbers 1-10 or 1-20 on the strips and then bend the edges and tape each paper hoop to the floor. 

Start at number 1 and hit the ball through each hoop all the way to 10 or 20; counting in order.



Basket ball bin
What you will need:
A football
A bin or box
What to do:
Give your child the football. Call out a letter sound. Your child has to say a word which starts with that sound. When the correctly say a word they get the chance to score a basket by throwing the ball into the bin or box.
To extend this activity ask your child to blend more complex words.
20 Best games and activities for Alzheimer's patients images | Activities, Dementia activities, Senior activities

For this activity:

You will need: paper, pens, straws, scissors and tape
What to do:
1. Write down on the paper some simple things your child can do such as sing a nursery rhyme, count to 10, jump up and down 5 times
Put a little picture next to the words to try and help your child know what the writing says.
 Tape the cards to the straws.
 Cut slits in the bottom of the straws. Tape the straws to the floor. If you use lolly sticks you can do this outside by just popping them into the grass.
 Tape the sticks all around and try to spread them out.
 Grab a ball ( a big soft one is easy to roll. Smaller balls would be perfect if you want to make hitting the signs a little trickier).
Knock down a sign and then do what it says!
Have a lovely day everyone!