Back to School!

We have had an exciting phased return to school. We have had a small group of children in our Clee bubble. Each week we have had a different theme, led by the children’s interests and we have taken part in some exciting activities. Here is a snap shot…

Week 1 – Bubbles

We made bubble snakes using socks, bottles and bubble mix!

We listened to a number and chalked that many bubbles onto the ground.  

We made giant bubbles using a tough spot and plastic hoops.


We practised our cutting skills and ordered paper bubbles according to size.


We explored bubble apples and made bubble print pictures.

Week 2 – Rainbows

We took part in rainbow maths. We threw the beanbag onto a numbered rainbow and said the number that was one more and one less. We also added the rainbow numbers and doubled them.


We heard the ‘Rainbow Fish’ story and sequenced the pictures. We made rainbow fish stained glass windows, and cupcake case fish.

We made rainbow fruit kebabs, used our maths to create a colour by numbers rainbow, danced with rainbow ribbons, and took participated in a skittles rainbow experiment.


Week 3 – The Arctic

We have heard the stories ‘Cuddly Dudley’ and ‘The Emperor’s Egg’. We made penguin window art, labelled penguins and sequenced the penguin life cycle.

We tried coloured ice writing.

And used our cutting skills to create beautiful snowflakes.


Our return to school has been an adventure we have all really enjoyed!