Wednesday 1st July Home Learning

Good morning Lawley!

I hope you are all well. Here are our home learning activities for today.

Reading and Phonics

Please complete your daily reading, then fill in a book review so I can see what you have and have not enjoyed.

Next, please watch and take part in the Read Write Inc Set 3 Phonics session on YouTube. After this please have a game of Dragon’s Den on the Phonics Play website, revising all phase 4 sounds.

English Home Learning

This week we are going to be concentrating on The Tiger who came to Tea by Judith Kerr. During the week we will be building up our ideas ready for the competition writing on Thursday and Friday.

Please start by watching the story below, or if you have a copy of the book you can read this.

Yesterday you created your own animal to come to tea.  Today I would like you to plan what your animal will do when you open your door and invite the tiger in.  Think about:

  • What will your animal do?
  • Where will your animal go?
  • What will your animal eat?
  • Will your animal stay for long?
  • Who will your animal meet?

Remember in our writing we must include:

  • capital letters
  • full stops
  • phonics
  • finger spaces
  • neat handwriting
  • adjectives

Cheeky Challenge: How will you feel seeing your animal on your doorstep?

I have set another activity on Purple Mash based on Chapter 3 of Little Red.

Maths Home Learning

We are going to start our maths today by counting in twos.  Please watch and join in with the counting song, then independently write the numbers up to 100 counting in twos.

Today we are going to be carrying on looking at money, but our focus today is on notes.  First of all, watch the video on the White Rose website.

Ask someone in your household if they have any notes you can have a look at to see how they are different, how they are the same and what they are worth.

Here are our activities for today.

Cheeky Challenge: Are Freya and Zak correct?  Explain your answer.

Topic Home Learning

Continuing with our work over the last week, today we are still going to focus on seagulls.  Your task today is to design a suitable habitat for a seagull.  A habitat is where the seagull will live, so it needs to be suitable, strong and adaptable for where they choose to live.  

Your first task is to draw your habitat, labelling all the features of the habitat and a reason why you have chosen this.  Next, and if practical, I would like you to build your habitat creation.  Remember to send me a picture!

PSHE Home Learning

Today, carrying on with our keeping healthy theme, I want you to think about feelings.  It is important that we feel healthy in our mind as well as keeping our body healthy.  At the moment we are all going through a difficult time where we miss our family and friends, our routines and being able to go out and about.  This can make us feel sad, worried and anxious.

In class we have been regularly lying down and listening to some relaxation music, to help us feel calm and relaxed.  Have a go, lie down, close your eyes and listen to this music for a few minutes, it will make you feel so much more relaxed!

I would like you to write down how you have felt over the lockdown period and since we finished school back in March.  Tell me what you have enjoyed and what you have found difficult.  Also, what have you done when feeling sad and worried, think about how you can help yourself to feel more positive and happier.

How about creating your own wellbeing jar.  This is something to create to write down all the things you are missing and are looking forward to doing as soon as we are able to.

Have a great day Lawley, stay well and safe.