Friday 3rd July Home Learning

Good morning Lawley!

I hope you are all well. Here are our home learning activities for today.

Reading and Phonics

Please complete your daily reading, then fill in a book review so I can see what you have and have not enjoyed.

Next, please watch and take part in the Read Write Inc Set 3 Phonics session on YouTube. After this please have a game of Buried Treasure on the Phonics Play website, revising all phase 4 and 5 sounds.

English Home Learning

This week we have been concentrating on The Tiger who came to Tea by Judith Kerr. During the week we have been building up our ideas ready for the competition writing yesterday and today.

Please start by watching the story below, or if you have a copy of the book you can read this.

Your final task for our competition this week is to make your tea for your animal!  First of all I would like you to draw in the style of a comic strip your animal visiting your house then eating and drinking what you planned yesterday.  Under each picture I want you to write a sentence telling me what is happening.

Next, I would like you (if possible) to make your tea for your animal.  This could be using real food and drink (adapting where possible to what you have at home), you could make this using playdough, paper, toy food or anything you have at home.  We have done this in school and had a tea party yesterday, it would be great if you can do this too!

Maths Home Learning

Please start our maths session today by watching and joining in with our counting in tens song.  Then, write down independently the numbers up to 100 counting in tens.  As a challenge, can you do this backwards as well?

Today it is the White Rose Challenge Day.  Please access the website and complete the first 3 challenges.  Remember, if you need help, work alongside another member of your household so you can work out the problem together.  Good luck!

Spelling Test

Please ask a member of your household to test you on your spellings.  Good luck, remember to use your phonics and neat handwriting, and don’t forget to let me know your result.

ICT Home Learning

Continuing with our coding over the last term, I would like you to log onto Purple Mash and complete the To Do I have set for Princess and the Frog. Follow the video guidance to understand what to do and how to code your own program.

Have a great weekend Lawley, stay safe and well.