Friday 10th July English Home Learning

Good morning Lawley and Caradoc!

I hope you are all well and safe.

It is our last day of our English competition today based on We’re Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen.  Well done to everyone so far for their great work, I’m really pleased with the effort you have put into this!

To start with please watch the story, or if you have a copy at home, read this with a member of your household. As you are listening to the story, try to join in with your actions, and think about who you would like to go on a bear hunt with.

Today you are going to use all the skills you have learnt over the week and perform We’re Going on a Bear Hunt.  I want you to tell the story using expression, excitement, and actions.  This week you have thought about:

  • The order of the story.
  • Actions for the story.
  • The feelings you would experience along the journey.
  • The senses you would use.

These skills will allow you to imagine you are really on the bear hunt, allowing you to use the correct expression in your voice.  For example, if I was walking into the cave I would be feeling nervous, so my voice would sound quiet and be trembling.  This will then allow the listener to understand and imagine they are there with you.

I would like you to practice telling the story using all the points I have listed.  When you are ready, please perform and record your story telling of We’re Going on a Bear Hunt.

This is the final part of our English competition, and I can not wait to watch your version and see your performance.

Good luck, have fun and be imaginative.

Cheeky Challenge:  What have you enjoyed the most this weekend and why?