Home Learning – Wednesday 8th July

Hello! I hope you are all well! 


Create your own house! You will need scissors, an A4 piece of paper, a pencil and a ruler. An adult can do this part. 

First, hold your piece of paper horizontally and fold the edges into the middle. 







Second, use a pencil and a ruler to draw a roof onto the front. 







Third, cut out the roof. 







Once you have your house, you can decorate the front to look like your house! 


Think about who lives inside your house. Can you draw a picture of all of the people who live in your house? 


Can you draw all of the people who live in your house and write their names? You could also draw some of the rooms inside your house and write the names of the rooms as well! 


In the centre part of the house, you can draw and label your family. Turn the house and on the inside of the doors, please write some sentences to tell me all about your house! What does it look like? What does the kitchen, living room and your room look like? 

Don’t forget capital letters, finger spaces and full stops! 


Today there is only one activity that can be differentiated depending on your child’s needs.

In the story, there is a jumble of sea creatures! They don’t usually go in the same group all together. 

Adult: collect some random items from around your house (for example building blocks, small animals, toy food, some socks, jewellery, toy cars, trains, crayons etc.)

Can your child sort these items in group? How do they sort it? Can they explain why? Do they put all the animals together? Do they sort according to colour?

We do this activity in a variety of way in school because it is a good basic introduction to mathematical ‘sets’. 

To simplify this activity, just choose two or three items and ask your child to tell you which one doesn’t belong in the group or why they are all in a group together. 

To make this activity harder, ask your child to find lots of different ways to sort the same items. 

This is called problem solving and it’s a really important mathematical skill.  

Extra Activity

Go outside with a pot of water and a paint brush. Can you paint a picture on the floor/wall fence with the water? Can you write any words?