Home Learning – Friday 10th July


Well done for getting to the end of another week!



What was your favourite part of the story? Can you draw a picture of the scene? Can you have a go at writing the names?


We are going to do a book review of the story “Sharing a Shell”.

Can you answer these questions? Try and use a super sentence for each of them!

  • What happens in the beginning of the story?
  • What was your favourite part of the story?
  • Who is your favourite character?

Don’t forget capital letters, finger spaces and a full stop!


We are going to do a book review of the story “Sharing a Shell”.

Can you answer these questions? Try and use a super sentence for each of them!


Don’t forget capital letters, finger spaces and a full stop!


To finish our home learning on a Fun Friday, we are going to sing some lovely Maths counting songs!

Extra activity

Can you have a go at moving like some sea creatures? 

Have a go at moving like a:

  • Jellyfish
  • Crab
  • Bristle Worm
  • Sea Anemone 
  • Shark
  • Clown Fish
  • Squid

Have a lovely weekend and stay safe!