Home Learning – Tuesday 14th July

Good Morning!

Reminder for EARL’S HILL: Zoom call today at 10am! 

Topic: Earl’s Hill              

Meeting ID: 755 384 0837
Password: EH123



Have a go at some pirate phonics: 


Medium and Spicy: 

Work out which words are real words and which words are silly nonsense words. This is brilliant preparation for the Phonics Screening test. 

Choose two sounds that your child might not be very confident with. 




For this you will need number cards up to five and some small circles to be coconuts. 

Choose a number and ask your child to put the correct number of coconuts on that number. 


As above but increase the numbers up to ten or twenty. Ensure your child is checking their answers. In school, we encourage the children to place items neatly so that they are easy to count and they do not get muddled. 


For this you will need numbers up to ten (or twenty for a challenge) written on pieces of paper that look like coconuts. 

Turn all the numbers so that they are faced down. Ask your child to turn two numbers and add them together. 

Extra activity: 

Create a Pirate Hat! Here are the instructions: 


Make sure you decorate it!!