Maths Home Learning 10th July


See if you can answer all of these challenges!

Challenge 1

Sam has some red and yellow cubes.

She has 20 cubes in total.

She has 8 more yellow cubes than red ones.

How many red cubes does she have?

Sam stood next to a red cube and yellow cube.
Grey line

Challenge 2

Jon thinks of a number.

Jon says that half of his number is 12.

Half of his number is 12.

What is one third of Jon’s number?

Grey line

Challenge 3

A cup contains some coffee.

Sasha drinks 2/5 of the coffee.

There is 120 ml of coffee left.

How much coffee was in the cup at the start?

A ceramic cup.
Grey line

Challenge 4

A cube weighs 87 g.

One orange cube.

Two of the same cubes and a cone weigh 291 g.

Two orange cubes and a yellow cone.

How much does one cone weigh?

To see the answers please visit the BBC Bitesize page and scroll down.