Monday 13th July English Home Learning

Good morning Lawley and Caradoc!

I hope you have had a good, safe weekend.  You are all missed very much by all of us at school.

Please complete your daily reading and why not write a book review to tell us about the book you have read, it’s great seeing what you have enjoyed or not enjoyed about a book.

Next, please take part in the daily Read Write Inc Set 2 or 3 phonics session which you will find on YouTube.

After this please have a game of Buried Treasure on the Phonics Play website, revising all phase 2 and 3 sounds.

This week we are going to be focusing on Stick Man by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler.

To start with, please listen to the story which is being read by one of the authors – Axel Scheffler.  If you have the book at home, why not read alongside Axel!

Today we are going to be creating speech bubbles for some of the Stickman characters.  A speech bubble is used to tell the reader what the characters are saying.  You are going to use your imagination and your knowledge from the story to create your own speech bubbles.

Remember when writing please include the following:

  • capital letters
  • full stops
  • phonics for spelling
  • neat handwriting
  • finger spaces

Please use the templates below or create your own:

speech bubble sheets

Cheeky Challenge: Draw a picture of yourself and write a speech bubble about what you would say meeting the Stickman.