English Home Learning 13th July

Writing A Newspaper Article

In today’s lesson, you are going to write a newspaper article about the actions that a woman called Rosa Parks took in 1955.

But first, you’re going to revise what makes a good newspaper article.

Newspaper articles should:

  • Include facts. You can do this by answering the
    5 Ws: What? When? Who? Where? Why?

  • Have a short, snappy and informative headline.

  • Provide a summary at the start explaining what happened (but not giving everything away!).

  • Use paragraphs to help the reader understand the information.

  • Provide quotes to show people’s opinions about the event.

You could also include a picture with a caption to help the reader visualise what happened and who was involved.

Your writing should:

  • Be formal (written as though you’re talking to someone older than you, like a teacher)

  • Use third person pronouns (he, she, it, they)

  • Be in the past tense (because the events have already happened)

Newspaper cover with several headlines
 Visit the BBC Bitesize page to see the videos and activities for writing your own newspaper article.