Long Mynd-welcome back

Welcome to Long Mynd class, all the children have settled in well to the new ‘norm’ with a smile on their face. There have been a few changes to the classroom and school life and we thank you for your continued support.

The children in Year 3 have made the jump from KS1 to KS2 and have shown courage in many areas. The children in Year 4 have been very supportive allowing all children to feel safe.

We have spent the first 2 weeks focusing on the children as individuals and this has given both staff and children the time to get to know each other.


We have sent home reading records and a homework book. We ask that you support and encourage your child in completing any tasks set.

In the homework book, we have times tables at the front and spellings at the back. We will set new spellings every Friday and test every Friday  We will also be setting individual times tables suited to where your child is at. Please return the homework book every Friday.

Reading is incredibly important and we have been reading lots with the children in school. However, in light of the current situation we are changing the way we organise home reading; your child will have a suitable reading book sent home on a Friday along with a reading diary. These are to be returned to school on the following Friday and a new book will be sent home. We will record the title of the book in the diary and would appreciate it if you could record when you have read with your child, we will check this when it is returned on a Friday but will not comment directly in the diary.

We will keep detailed records of when your child have read with an adult in school and feed back to you on a regular basis through our class email. Please feedback any comments via the class email.

PE will be on a Tuesday so please remember to come to school in a weather suitable outdoor pe kit and a water bottle.

If you have any questions or would like to contact me- please use the class email: longmynd@holytrinitycepa.co.uk

Tribal Tales so far…

Colours with nature, a woolly mammoth, bones and skeletons.