Our week in Caradoc

We have had a very exciting week in Caradoc, on Monday we had our Stunning Start to our Tribal Tales topic. The children discovered Cave style paintings , created sketches and produced our own chalk sketches on the playground. Then on a Tuesday went to an archaeological dig which they found very exciting. This then led to the children composing lots of questions about the Stone Age and Iron Age which will guide their learning through this topic.  Our Maths work has been based on place value and whilst we have been re-capping learning from last year as part of our recovery curriculum we have also been learning to represent larger numbers. Mr Kenyon leads PE lessons on a Thursday, could you please make sure that your child wears appropriate clothing on this day.

Finally, as you will be aware we are changing how we organise home reading. New books will be sent home with your child on a Friday along with their reading diary. Books will be changed the following Friday, we won’ t comment in reading diaries but we will read comments from home. Reading in school will continue as normal. All children should be able to access additional books via Bug Club online. Their login details are inside the front cover of their reading diary. If you have any issues logging on or have any further questions don’ t hesitate to email.

Thank you once again for supporting both your child and us to ensure we have had a super start to the new school year.

Enjoy the weekend!