Welcome to Earls Hill

It has been an exciting and busy two weeks in Earls Hill class. The cygnets have settled really well into their new class and the swans have been fantastic helpers and role models for them. I am very proud of the whole class! Here are some of our new cygnets exploring their new setting.

At Holy Trinity, we have been working through a recovery curriculum to help the children settle back into the routine of school and address any concerns they might have. We have used the book ‘Here We Are’ by Oliver Jeffers as a starting point for all out activities over the last two weeks.

We have been learning about our planet, what it is made up of and its position in the solar system. We have learned about the environment and how important it is to look after it and the animals who share the environment with us. We have looked at ourselves as people, how we are made up and why it is important to look after ourselves to stay healthy and well.


We have talked a great about what has been happening in the world over the last few months. I have been amazed by the children’s maturity and understanding. The swans have written some of the questions they have about the situation.