Star of the Week is back!

We have once again had an amazing week in Haughmond and it was so difficult to choose one child. However, the one child that kept catching Miss Richard’s and my eye was Ethan Browne. Wow! What an exceptional start to Year 6! We could not have asked for anything more. Keep up the good work Ethan! From your attitude to learning, good spelling results and Accelerated Reading Scores – you have just had the best week.

Who will it be next week?

We would also like to say a big well done to Tyler and Ivelina who were the only pupils to get full marks in their spelling test and also to Kyle and Libby who received their pen license from Mr Dickson.

We had a fabulous celebration assembly via zoom from Mr Dickson on Friday to celebrate all the fantastic learning that had taken place throughout the week.

Well done Haughmond – we are so proud of you!