Lawley’s Week

We have had another busy week in Lawley, with lots of fun, interesting lessons taking place.  In Maths we have been learning to count in 2’s, 5’s, 10’s and 3’s, using fun counting songs to help us developing I stand recall. In English we have started writing our recount based on the spaceship crash landing, we have been thinking about a class title and how to start writing.

In Topic Lawley have had fun making a light circuit and sending an SOS message to Space (see our separate post), and finding out about Neil Armstrong by watching his first steps the moon. In Science we looked at the materials in our classroom environment and then our outside environment, with the children discovering there is more metal and wood outside, and less items made of glass.

A big well done to Scarlett this week for gaining our Star of the Week certificate for a great attitude when coming back to school and for getting 10/10 for the first time last week for her spellings.  Well done!

Thank you to everyone who is reading at home, please keep it up and remember we all have Bug Club access for further book options.  Please can I request that all children practise their spellings, our results dropped a lot today compared to last week.

Also, anyone who hasn’t signed up to Dojo or registered their child’s new code, please do this as soon as possible.

Thank you and I look forward to our learning journey next week.