Earls Hill News

It’s been another busy week in Earls Hill class. Our Topic is about friendship and we made two new friends this week: Teddy and Mrs Rabbit! It was Teddy’s birthday and in Maths the Cygnets have been busy counting candles onto his birthday cake and then giving him the birthday card with the right number on it.

They also practised writing the numbers on paper and in glittery sand.


Mrs rabbit was hungry in another activity. They had to look at the number card, count carefully and give her the right amount of carrots to eat.


The Swans have been using tens frames in their Maths work and have had fun learning about different representations of numbers.


In English, we listened the story ‘Jellybean goes to school’. In one lesson we sequenced the pictures from the story and wrote what was happening in each picture. In another lesson, we took photos of our favourite things to do in school using the ipad, and wrote about them. We also learnt about the people who help us in our school. We matched pictures of these people to important items they need to do their jobs. We know that Mrs Allen needs a phone, Mr Payne needs a screwdriver and hammer and the cook needs a saucepan and spoon. The cygnets practised writing their name and the names of the people who help us in school.

The Swans wrote sentences about the people in school who help us and what they use in their jobs.

In Science we have been sorting animals into different categories. Mrs Allcock showed us pictures of some of her friends – her pets! We looked at their food and decided if the dogs, cat and guinea pig were herbivore, carnivore or omnivore. We then drew pictures of our pets, or what pet we would like and decided what category it would fit into.

After this, the Swans sorted pictures of  animals onto a venn diagram.

In RE we have learnt more about Judaism. We heard about Shabbat and we each made our own glittery Star of David, which is the symbol of Judaism.   As part our EAD session, we explored textures using playdough and created beautiful nature pictures using natural loose parts.