Earls Hill Achievements!

Firstly I would like to say a huge well done to Darcie, Alex, Hannah and Nick. As they are now Swans (Year 1) they have had spellings to learn at home and then they had a test on Friday. All four of them got every one of their spellings correct!  I am so proud of them, and can tell they have been working hard at home. Well done!

I would also like to say a huge well done and congratulations to Eunice who is our Star of the Week. She was chosen as she has produced some amazing maths in her Child Initiated sessions. Eunice chose to work out and write additions to 20. She used the + and = symbols independently! Eunice has also produced lots of neatly formed writing in her Child Initiated sessions.

Allan was our Star of the Week last week. He was chosen for the brilliant work he has been producing as a Swan. He has been writing amazing sentences using his phonic and tricky word knowledge. He has independently used finger spaces and punctuation to make his work fantastic! In Maths he has understood new concepts and worked independently to complete tasks.