Our week in Caradoc

We have had a very busy and exciting week in Caradoc class. This week has been ‘Space Week’, we blasted off with a Zoom meeting with Mrs Platt and her Space Cadets! The children have enjoyed taking part in lots of fun learning activities on a Space theme. They particularly enjoyed their Science work with Mr Kenyon, when they explored the size of different craters.

In English the Space them continued in our reading comprehension. Whilst in writing we have been writing our Stone Age adventure stories, using what we have learned about Stone Age life in our narratives.

On Wednesday, we attended a virtual author event along with 7000 other children. The author Baroness Floella Benjamin joined us on our screens to talk about her experiences of coming to England from Trinidad as a child. We are looking forward to sharing her new book ,Coming to England’.

Our Maths focus has been on ordering and comparing numbers to 1000. The children have been developing their understanding of number using a range of apparatus.

In Art, the children created images of space using chalk pastels.

Most parents have now signed up to Class Dojo, if you haven’t yet I would encourage you to do so as soon as possible. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you need any support with this.

As always our weekly spellings are under the spelling tab.
