Haughmond’s Achievements

Star of the Week

Our star of the week this week is Luke. He is such a hard worker.

He is always first in through my door and gets straight on with his work.

His writing on the desert setting as well as his postcard from Tenochtitlan has really impressed us. He has been getting full marks in spelling test and always gives 100% to everything he does.

Accelerated Reader 

A huge well done goes to Harry, Cameron, Jessica T and Libby who received a bookmark off Mr Kenyon today for reading over 10,000 words.
Well done to Roxanne who received a rubber for reading over 100,000 words and George who received a certificate as he has read 578,000 words!

Spelling Test 

Congratulations also goes to Kenzie, Roxanne, William, George, Alis, Ivelina and Carson who all got full marks in their spelling test this week.

Keep up the hard work Haughmond class!