Another busy week in Earls Hill…

We have been working very hard in Earls Hill this week. In Literacy our story has been , ‘The Lion and the Mouse’ which is an Aesop’s Fable. We talked about the moral of the story, which is that a kindness is never wasted and it doesn’t matter how small you are, you can still be kind. 

The Swans wrote sentences describing the traits each of the story characters show. They then wrote about their own characteristics. They wrote some amazing animal fact files, and completed a reading comprehension on the story. The Cygnets made bookmarks for their friends, worked on developing their phonics skills and wrote a sentence describing themselves. They matched words to the story characters.

In Maths the cygnets matched the correct number of cubs to the mummy lion, threaded ‘Cheerios’ onto mice tails and fed the lion.

The Swans have worked hard using one to one correspondence, comparing quantities and have used the greater and less than symbols.

We enjoyed dancing like the mouse and the lion in PE. it was fun creeping around and roaring angrily like a lion!

In Science we labelled the parts of a mouse and lions body. We then drew around each other and labelled the body parts.