Final week in Caradoc

I cannot believe how fast the weeks have flown by! We have had a wonderful first half term in Caradoc, the children have been amazing and every one of them has made me proud. I am looking forward to starting back after we have all had a relaxing (and safe) half term break. Our next topic is ‘Potions’ and our class text is ‘George’s Marvellous Medicine’ by Roald Dahl, one of my favourite books.



Rather than sending a weekly spelling sheet, this week I have sent home a spelling activity book which focuses on the High Frequency words the children would have learned in Year 2. It is important that the children are able to spell these words in their independent work so I would appreciate you supporting your child with this. Also, I have sent home a handwriting sheet based on these words. These are also available to download from the class page under the spelling tab.

Here are a few photographs to celebrate the first half term back. Stay safe and have a lovely half term.
