Lawley’s week!

Welcome back to everyone following half term. The children have settled in very well and have been eager to learn.  Our Topic this half term is Dinosaur Planet, and everyone was eager to share the knowledge they already have. We have found out all about the different dinosaurs this week, followed by an art session where we created dinosaur skeleton pictures.  In English we have been reading Where the Wild Things Are, are have been looking at the features of narrative and creating our own dinosaur character and setting. In Maths we have been learning how to add and subtract a 1-digit number with a 2-digit number, using base 10, number lines, and column addition and subtraction. In Science we investigated what happens to ice, chocolate and bread when we apply heat.  The children had fun using the heat from their hands to see what happened to the chocolate! In PSHE we have started looking at diversity and equality by looking at where we all come from.  Using a world map, we discussed and shared where ourselves and our families come from, focusing on how we are all still treated equally no matter where we are from. In RE we discussed the question ‘why does Christmas matter to Christian’s’ and looked at the signs of Christmas

Congratulations to our star of the week, Amelia! Amelia has been working extremely hard with her spellings and phonics to ensure her writing is to the highest quality.  We have introduced a word of the day, and Amelia has made sure she has been using this correctly.  Amelia always has a positive attitude and is a helpful, kind member of our Lawley class.  Well done Amelia.