Earls Hill and Clee Home Learning

Please find a link below to Home Learning Activities for any children who are self isolating, ill or in quarantine.

Home Learning complete nursery rhyme week

Year 1 children (in Earls Hill)  please access the work listed above. Please also follow these links to the White Rose Maths videos. Watch the videos and complete the relevant work sheets.

Ordinal Numbers: https://vimeo.com/460142990  


Number Lines : https://vimeo.com/459320928 


You will find online resources on the top marks website to support these concepts: www.topmarks.co.uk 

Please access Bug Club. Read at least 3 books that have been allocated and complete any activities or quizzes linked to the books.

Practise this week’s spellings that are found in the Earls Hill spellings section of this website. Challenge your child by asking them to use the spellings in a sentence.