Lawley’s Remembrance Week

What a busy but respectful week we have had in Lawley.  The children have been learning and understanding Remembrance, and we have had some lovely, in-depth discussions in class.  In English, children have been imagining they are a soldier, considering the feelings they would feel, the senses they would experience and their surroundings.  From this they have then created an acrostic poem, using the would Poppy, Remembrance or Soldier.  Everyone has worked extremely hard, and we have had some outstanding poems produced.  In Maths we have been adding and subtracting two 2-digit numbers using base 10, number lines and hundred squares, with some children attempting to use column addition and column subtraction.  Despite it being tricky, the children have taken it in their stride and tried hard.

In the afternoons we have been producing artwork based on Remembrance.  We have created a picture by using oil pastels for the background, followed by paint the next day to create the poppies.  We have designed and created our own wartime medals, and were fortunate enough to see two real war medals.  On Friday we concentrated on Interfaith Week and looked at the worldwide soldiers who helped in war.  Following this we looked at the different poppies, and selected an Interfaith symbol and drew Poppies on them.  In Lawley we concentrated on Sikhism, Judaism, and Muslims.

Congratulations to Junaid for receiving Lawley’s Star of the Week this week.  Junaid has a fantastic attitude in class, he is always happy and puts 100% in all of this work.  Junaid has been concentrating on improving his handwriting, presentation and phonics skills, with all of these being apparent in his work.  Well done Junaid.

Well done also to everyone who entered the Poppy Day Home Project, we had a lot of entries in Lawley, all for which we could see how much effort had gone into them.  Thank you for your ongoing support at home, we really were impressed!  Congratulations to Scarlett and Hanna for being Lawley’s winners and receiving a certificate and prize.

Finally, just a reminder to ensure your child reads every night at home.  This is something so many of you are doing already, however it would be fantastic for every child to receive as many reading dojo points as possible as well as the opportunity to develop their reading skills.