Haughmond’s Star of the Week, Remembrance Week and Silly Socks!

What a very busy week it has been in Haughmond this week.

We have been looking at the work of Wilfred Owen, a local World War 1 hero, who once  lived in Oswestry and wrote the most amazing poetry based on the horror of war. We studied Dulce Decorum Est and wrote our own stanza in the style of Wilfred Owen.

The children had studied World War 1 last year – so were able to apply all previous knowledge to our writing. We then created water coloured poppies over the top of our poems in remembrance to the fallen ones.

George Lidlow Jeffers

Our Star of the Week this week is George Lidlow Jeffers. George has now read over one and a half million words and is now on the way to two million words. He wrote the most amazing stanza of Wilfred Owen’s poem and read it out on our school Remembrance video. George is using all of his reading skills to improve upon his writing week by week. We are so very proud of all of his achievements.


Congratulations to Abby and Mimy who won our Class Home learning Poppy Art Work.

Finally on Friday – lots of us wore our silly socks to support Children in Need!

We hope you enjoy reading all of our poems.