Hawkstone Stars

Well done to Owen Reynolds who was Hawkstone’s star of the week last week. He has been working extremely hard on his reading (reading both in school and at home) and has improved his reading age by over two years since September. We have really seen Owen mature and become more confident this last term and it is great to see. Keep up the amazing work Owen.

A huge well done also to Natasha Lunt who is our star of the week this week. Natasha could be star of the week for many reasons, she always strives to do her best, hands in all of her homework on time consistently and is an all round pleasure to teach in class. In particular Natasha has been working hard on improving her handwriting and we are now working on using this in all lessons, in all of her books.

Both Natasha and Owen have also been writing exciting portal stories in English this week with some detailed descriptions. I can’t wait to read their finished stories next week.

A massive congratulations needs to be given to the folllowing children who all scored 10/10 on their spelling test this week so well done to

Jeremy, Noah, Emma, Jane, Ala and Skyla

who all practise their spellings regularly at home. There were lots of children who were very close with 9/10 this week too so thank you for all of the hard work you’ve been doing at home.

We have been extra busy this week and also did a mock times tables test wher the children have to answer 25 times table questions on a computer and only have three seconds to answer each question. Nearly every child improved on their score from September. Well done to Emma who is consistently scoring 25/25 on this already!

Don’t forget to keep practising times tables on TT Rockstarz, PurpleMash and Mathletics at home.